GTSH > Plan Your Visit > International Patient Guide

Information on international patients’ admission, discharge, documents to prepare for admission registration, visiting hours and follow-up advice. For appointment, kindly refer to our appointment page for further information.
Patients are required to place a deposit upon admission.
The deposit will be used to offset the final bill and any excess balance will be refunded.
Wrist Identification
Every patient will be required to wear a wrist identification band upon admission. The band will hold information such as the patient’s name, NRIC, age & gender, doctor.
The wrist identification band also applicable as smart tag as patient can use their wrist band to lock and unlock their smart locker in their ward room.
This security system can provide safety for patient’s valuable. Please wear it at all times during your stay in our hospital.
Consent to Treatment
Upon your admission to the hospital, you are deemed to have agreed to the required treatment for your medical condition. Some procedures may require your consent in writing. Your doctor will explain these procedures to you in detail.
Daily Ward Routine
- Ward rounds by the doctors (usually two times a day)
- Meals (breakfast, lunch, tea break, dinner)
- Medication
- Visiting Hours (12pm – 2pm and 5pm – 8pm daily)
- Physiotheraphy (If applicable)
- Bedtime
The routine may vary if you are scheduled to undergo clinical tests, X-ray, or other clinical procedures.
Nurse Call Button
If you require assistance at any time of the day, please press the Nurse Call Button located on your bed panel and a nurse will attend to you shortly.
To aid our patients’ recovery, our dieticians and chefs work closely to plan the menus in our hospitals. Halal meals will be served to all patients. Our healthcare team will also take note if you require a special diet.
Smoking Prohibition
Under the law, smoking is prohibited within the hospital premises.
Patient Entertainment
Each patient’s ward is equipped with a television set with variety channels. Also, patients are accessable to GTSH fast & unlimited free wifi.
Leaving the Ward
If you wish to leave the ward for any reason, please inform the staff on duty at all times so that they can take note of your whereabouts and ensure that you do not miss your medication, scheduled tests or visitors.
Leaving the Hospital Premises
For your own safety, please do not leave the hospital premises until your doctor has cleared you for discharge. Patients who request to be discharged against the doctors’ advice will be required to sign an AOR (At Own Risk) form.
Your doctor will inform you when you are ready to be discharged. For your own safety, please arrange for a family member or friend to pick you up from the hospital.
The discharge process may take some time to allow the care team to complete processes such as the following:
- Contacting your next-of-kin about your discharge
- Preparation of discharge summary
- Preparation of medication
- Scheduling of follow-up appointments
- Counselling on post-discharge care

Georgetown Specialist Hospital Sdn Bhd
12A, Jalan Masjid Negeri, George Town 11600, Pulau Pinang , Malaysia.
Tel : +604 8275 118
Whatsapp : (+60) 11 1052 2116
Fax : +604 8286 118
Website :
Copyright © Georgetown Specialist Hospital Sdn Bhd K.K.L.I.U: 0179/2027